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You Need to GROW A PAIR!!!

Man Training in Las Vegas

Are you a feminized metrosexual? Of course you are! Are you a whiny little bitch boy? Damn right you are! Do you step out of the shower just to take a piss? Probably! Do you even know the definition of manhood? Hell no you don't! You are in desperate need and probably don't even know it - YET! Fortunate for you that I LadyV (a true feminine lady) can show you the way to becoming a confident, proud upstanding natural man in and out of the bedroom. I am your masculinity coach, and take only Las Vegas area residents for MAN TRAINING! We will go from A to Z in the process of de-feminization while you progress at your own rate.

Preparatory-Lesson 1: Women don't want or respect weak men. I'll say it again - WOMEN DON'T WANT OR RESPECT WEAK MEN!!! (corollary 1: stong men get MAXIMUM respect from women and others) Get this through your head before you message me. Click here to begin your MAN TRAINING! - LadyV

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